Specialty Programs

Our Specialty Programs
We offer several services to partner with you and your child.
We believe in working as a team with clients, parents, health care providers, and school staff to plan and implement therapy services to children through adulthood. Therapy should be motivating, engaging, challenging and fun!
Programs and techniques utilized by our staff:
AAC Programming: Lampwords for Life, Proloquo 2Go, Touch Chat, PECS
Seeing Starts
Visualizing and Verbalizing
Cycles Approach to Phonology
DIR Floortime Model
Social Thinking
Expanding Expression Tool
Kauffman Approach to Childhood Apraxia of Speech
Alert Program
Astronaut Training Program
SOS Approach to Feeding and Advanced
Therapeutic Listening
Rhythmic Movement Training
Brain Gym
Sensory Integration
VitalStim Therapy
HoweRT Microsport
Food Chaining
Beckman Oral Motor Approach
Wilbarger Brushing and Oral Tactile Technique
Interactive Metronome
Handwriting Without Tears
Dynamic Temporal
Tactile Cueing (DTTC)